Create a project

Learn how to create or import a project in the Hiro Platform.

The Hiro Platform offers multiple ways to create projects, whether you're starting from scratch with a template or importing an existing repository. This guide will walk you through both approaches.

Using templates

From the main projects page, click the "Add a project" button to begin creating a new project.

template selection

The Platform provides 2 types of pre-built templates to help you get started quickly:

  1. 1App templates
  2. 2Contract-only templates

App templates are feature rich templates pre-configured with a frontend and smart contracts.

Contract-only templates are pre-configured with just that: a smart contract to help you start building.

Simply select the template you want to get started with to open up a more detailed view of the app.

template selection

Once you are ready, click the "Clone" button to copy the template to your GitHub account. From there, you will see instructions on how to clone the repository locally to start development.

Importing existing projects

If you have an existing project on GitHub, you can import it directly into the Hiro Platform:

  1. 1If you haven't already, authorize your GitHub account with the Hiro Platform
  2. 2You'll see a list of your repositories that can be imported
  3. 3Select the repository you want by clicking the "Import" button

import from github

The Platform requires specific Clarinet-generated files and a directory structure to import projects successfully. Your project should include:

  • .clar files containing your smart contracts
  • A Clarinet.toml configuration file
  • A specific directory structure with contracts in a contracts folder

Once your project is ready, you will see instructions on next steps to get started.

Next steps